Searching for good persuasive speech topics is hard. However, coming up with a topic that will not only persuade but also be an interesting subject of discussion is even harder. It takes a lot of hard work and time to come up with one unique idea for your speech.

Despite its difficulty level, some people still find it fun to try their best at doing it themselves. But just because something is fun doesn’t mean you should do it right? That is why today we are going to give you 3 different ways from Dissertation Writing Services article how you can choose the most suitable persuasive speech topics on ethics .

But before we start: Are there any ethical topics left? If yes – great! If no, then I think that the title was already a good advice. Just kidding!

Topic 1 – Ethics in Social Media and Technology (Social media, technology)

As we are living in a digital era where both social media and great technological achievements have become one of the cornerstones of our lives, there is no doubt that this topic will gain more attention very soon. People love to discuss ethical issues on everything digital including social media. This interest has been proven by numerous surveys conducted during years. See for yourself: What’s Wrong With Facebook? – Huffington Post; The truth about Facebook – Business Insider Australia; Is Social Media Ruining Our Lives? Are You Addicted To Social Media? Truth About Social Networking Sites & Their Harmful Effects On Humans And Society At Large – Huffington Post.

For those who are afraid that discussing digital ethics will sound boring, keep in mind that the topic is more than just “digital” as it embraces all things technological so you can easily find a variety of different subtopics like Facebook etiquette or how to watch TV in 21st century (cord cutting) . Furthermore, this topic gives you a good opportunity to teach people how to be responsible users and use social media responsibly. By doing this, you won’t only make a strong impact on others but also show your knowledge about the business ethics and its importance for modern businesses.

Topic 2 – Should I delete my profile on Instagram? (Instagram)

It has been proven by numerous surveys that most people have more Instagram followers than they real friends. Moreover, it has been said that those photos and videos make people experience more FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). It means that the popularity of this platform as one of the biggest social media websites is growing which is why you should think about this topic if you want to make a strong statement on ethical issues!

There are many controversial aspects related to Instagram such as how it encourages narcissism in people or even how it can be used for cyberbullying. In case you don’t know, there was an article written by The Huffington Post called ‘Meet Your New Teen Bully: Social Media’ where the author claims that almost 40% of teenagers are disturbed by the cyberbullying they witness on social media. What is even more disturbing is that Instagram has a reputation for spreading the body image obsession among teens.

However, if you want to make a positive statement about this topic and use it as one of your persuasive speech topics on ethics , then you should focus on how can we use this platform responsibly so that our followers don’t get FOMO and people who aren’t interested in what we have to say won’t see us or maybe our posts at all. It will be an interesting discussion subject full of ethical dilemmas where everyone would love to participate when choosing this topic from the thesis writing help article!